The Friday before Winter Break is a make-up day for finals. What this usually means is that a dozen or so students show up to work on projects and the rest are either having fun with friends, or sleeping in. I decided to create an “Inspiration Table” where kids could work on various projects to share with friends and family. I had rocks, tags, markers, stickers, and some new cool blue and pink sharpies for rocks.
Students wandered in and out of class, some mine and some new. I always enjoy these types of days where kids are kids and I am me. There are no titles, just people. The conversations I have with kids are interesting and different from normal class days. I find out about their plans, their families, their struggles, and their celebrations. I enjoy their energy which is more and more positive since their finals are completed and we are all more relaxed.
I am going to give the Dream BIG tag to my husband as a Christmas present. He can use it as a bookmark since he loves to read. Someone else made this tag, and their positive energy will be passed along to others in the most positive of ways. Lesson: we make a difference is so many ways that we don’t even know!
A happy ending to Semester one, this day certainly was.