What are you doing at your school that sets you apart from other schools? Do you have a Sensational School Culture where ALL students are engaged? What whole-school opportunities do ALL students have to be involved at school? Engaged students can achieve and grow in all ways, social, emotional, and academic.
With 7,000 students dropping out of school every day, we must to do something different to engage students in new ways! What will happen to our country, if we don’t?
What kinds of all-inclusive programs do you have in place to increase graduation rate? Do the kids on the edge, reclassified, or the kids in ISS participate in school activities? Would you like to give them a way to be involved? Empowered students are more likely to feel valued at school and believe that they are important. When students feel important and successful, they are more likely to want to be there. Solution? Give ALL students new opportunities to connect and contribute to school and you will tap into powerful fuel for school-wide change. Students making changes at school are more likely to stay in school. Sensational Service Projects give ALL students special opportunities.
Where do you start?
Ask Questions If you haven’t already talked to students about Voice, here is a place to start, with their dreams. Discover what they are thinking. If you understand their dreams, you can teach them how staying in school will help them achieve that dream. Dreams motivate kids. Motivated kids are more likely to stay in school.
Get Your FREE Lesson Plan: Inspiring Student Voice
Who benefits?
Students are empowered by new opportunities for them to engage with one another. Their voice grows stronger with experience.
We All Have a Voice! has had a huge impact on HHS because, for the first time, some people can express themselves. What I thought that my voice was before this, was that my opinion didn’t count and that nobody cared about my opinion. I have changed through this project. I changed from not believing in my dreams to believing in my dreams.It has influenced me and my future by making me think that I can be anyone and do anything I want. -Marlene, 10th grader
Are you happy with your school culture?
- Do you struggle with a lack of student engagement?
- Do some students feel hopeless, isolated?
- Do some students feel ignored or unimportant?
- Do students feel like no one else is having the same struggles?
- Do students have dreams they do not share?
- Is your campus disconnected as a community?
If your answer to any of those questions is “Yes.” Then the “We All Have a Voice!” Program might be good for your school.
What is something you can you do? Just start somewhere.Get Your FREE Lesson Plan - Inspiring Student Voice
Why is this program powerful?
Give students new opportunities to reach out to one another.
Contact US for more information about the program!!
If you would like to be guided through a project, with support like: lesson plans, webinars, coaching, and connections with a like-minded community with innovative ideas to share, the Project of the Month Club could be a great idea. Each month you will get the inside secrets and steps to creating positive change with a Special Service Learning Project.