1,000 Thank Yous

Here we go, again. I have a brand new Conversation-Changer: Challenge a school community to write 1,000 thank you notes in 7 days. These ideas just come to me and I get curious. I can’t help it so I’ve decided to work with it and see what we can do to connect with one another. After all, that is what a community is.

1,000 Thank Yous – WATCH the video & TAKE the Challenge! 


This is my conversation:

Can we do this? Of course we can!

What difference could it make?  If I am excited enough, I think others will be, too.

Really? Why now? It’s a busy time. Exactly because it is a busy time, we need this MORE now, precisely because it is a busy time. This is the time when we get caught up in things like grades, finals, shopping, worries about money, having stuff or not.

So, here we go. I’m committed to make this happen. Once I get the idea out there, we will see where everyone takes it.

I want to change the world, but I can do it alone!  I need help! What to join me in this mission? Someone out there needs to hear your message. How about it?

My Gaudy Goal

  • 7 days – 1,000 Thank Yous (per school)

HOW MANY schools can we get to take the 1,000 Thank Yous Challenge?


Let’s look at the definition:

com·mu·ni·ty   kəˈmyo͞onədē/
1.  a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
2.  a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
I want to create #2.  How about you?
Let’s do it, together!

HOT Holiday Celebration

I am so excited to be organizing a celebration for my school! I have thought about this for years, but never took action. I am in action now. What fun we are going to have! We will see where this goes! My invitation is made. I have a Facebook event. Now to send them out and see what happens!  At the least, I think people will get a giggle out of the penguin picture! We need to giggle more!

Check out the details of this new campaign! HOT Celebrations – Honor Our Teachers


As a teacher, I have the honor of working with hundreds of students each year. These students constantly inspire me with their passions and determination to impact the world. At the beginning of school, one of my new students came up to me with an idea she had for a mural to speak out against gun violence. Her ideas were fresh and filled with her passion to help people. She had so many ideas, I could barely keep up with them. Hearing her ideas shows me the power young people have, the ideas that they create, the impact they will have on the world. Being able to guide these powerful young adults to share with the world is exciting because I know they will make a difference, a big difference. Best wishes to the beginning of another powerful Conversation-Changer! The possibilities are limitless!

Students are the power.

I am so very happy to have created a new flyer which highlights a few of our projects. What is so exciting to me is that my students bring them to life.  Thank you Marielle, Leonard, Julie, Juliette, and Noelle for sharing your smiles and beautiful energy.  You are the power behind this program.  You are so inspiring and are making a difference in the lives of so many others, Thank you for who you are.  I am so fortunate to spend so much time with you!

You are why I teach!

Je vous aime!  Merci pour tout votre enthusiasm et esprit.



Service Learning Projects flyer 2015


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I want to be noticed…

I asked my students to talk about the most powerful statement they saw on the Wall. One student, a sophomore, shared her thoughts and feelings:  


I have seen so many beautiful hopes, dreams, and goals expressed on the wall. I have also seen people express sadness and fears which can be just as beautiful. One statement that was especially poignant to me was a small, nondescript statement written in a corner, which simply said “be noticed”. I don’t know who wrote this and I probably never will but I want them to know that I have noticed them, as well as their bravery for exposing their vulnerability and uncertainty, which is something we all experience at some point in our lives.

In class we learned the French proverb <<Chagrin partagé, chagrin diminué; plasir partagé, plasir double.>> This is evident in the wall; it gives people a place to voice both their sadness and joy.
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A Place of Honor

As we walked into the Kiva auditorium, the evening before our presentation with Candy Chang for the New Mexico Municipal League Key note address, I was overwhelmed by the size of the space,  the number of seats, the stage with risers and a small podium. The thought that I would be a that podium in 16 hours was surreal. The whole experience was surreal. We would be  on stage with an amazing woman who changed the world, including ours, with her “Before I die I want to…” Project.

As we walked down to the stage to practice our talks, we walked in front of the first row seats. Several were reserved.  When I saw the one with my name on it, right next to Candy Chang’s I was flooded with the reality that I was in a special place, a very real place, on I never imagined.  I was moved to tears as it was such an honor for me to be sitting with amazing woman that I greatly admired because she makes a difference in the world with everything she creates.

It was amazing to me to think that my journey to this place of honor started with an invitation, with my inviting my French friends to my school for a community celebration.  It was at that moment that I discovered my friend was bringing Candy to Albuquerque for an annual conference, a private conference that was then opened up to us. Inviting my friends was actually a stretch for me. I wasn’t sure that anyone would be interested in coming to my high school for an evening event. I was so wrong, a point which reinforced my confidence that sharing is the best thing we can do despite our feelings of insecurity or doubt.

My speaking out about our project with that invitation opened up new worlds for me and my students. Candy shared her ideas, we shared ours and we were brought together as a result, a beautiful result.

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We all have a voice!

Welcome!  I am thrilled that you have found my blog!  Welcome to my world, my crazy and very fun world!  There is a reason you are right here, right now even though you may not know what it is right now. There are no coincidences in life.

How did this all begin?  Why do I have the opportunity to share not only my voice, but the powerful voices of so many others?

Some of my students were inspired by a video I showed them and after I responded “Why not?” to their question “Can we do that here, Miss?”, it began.

This fabulous journey of taking the time to listen to everyone around me more closely than ever before has taken me to place I could never have imagined. My imagination is not creative enough.

This are the voices from our wall, the hearts of our community that are shared freely. Sharing openly has impacted others, all who take the time to stop and notice, to stop and reflect on the world.

Here is the place I am sharing specific things that are shared on our wall and in our other projects.I am learning so many lessons along the way. Lessons from a wall, from a mirror, from a sidewalk?  Yes! You will see!  I promise!

Now is your time to be a part of our adventure, take the time to hear us.

How will your world be changed? You never know!




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