I want to be noticed…

I asked my students to talk about the most powerful statement they saw on the Wall. One student, a sophomore, shared her thoughts and feelings:  


I have seen so many beautiful hopes, dreams, and goals expressed on the wall. I have also seen people express sadness and fears which can be just as beautiful. One statement that was especially poignant to me was a small, nondescript statement written in a corner, which simply said “be noticed”. I don’t know who wrote this and I probably never will but I want them to know that I have noticed them, as well as their bravery for exposing their vulnerability and uncertainty, which is something we all experience at some point in our lives.

In class we learned the French proverb <<Chagrin partagé, chagrin diminué; plasir partagé, plasir double.>> This is evident in the wall; it gives people a place to voice both their sadness and joy.
web be noticed 2

We all have a voice!

Welcome!  I am thrilled that you have found my blog!  Welcome to my world, my crazy and very fun world!  There is a reason you are right here, right now even though you may not know what it is right now. There are no coincidences in life.

How did this all begin?  Why do I have the opportunity to share not only my voice, but the powerful voices of so many others?

Some of my students were inspired by a video I showed them and after I responded “Why not?” to their question “Can we do that here, Miss?”, it began.

This fabulous journey of taking the time to listen to everyone around me more closely than ever before has taken me to place I could never have imagined. My imagination is not creative enough.

This are the voices from our wall, the hearts of our community that are shared freely. Sharing openly has impacted others, all who take the time to stop and notice, to stop and reflect on the world.

Here is the place I am sharing specific things that are shared on our wall and in our other projects.I am learning so many lessons along the way. Lessons from a wall, from a mirror, from a sidewalk?  Yes! You will see!  I promise!

Now is your time to be a part of our adventure, take the time to hear us.

How will your world be changed? You never know!