The 1st of 1,000 Thank Yous

What a great day!  I excitedly drove to school today in anticipation of sharing the 1,000 Thank Yous Challenge with my kids. Just the idea of making a difference for people gives me energy. All the way to school, ideas kept coming to mind. As they did, I got more excited. This is a good circle of energy!

First period, as I was explaining the 1,000 Thank Yous Challenge, one of my students actually made me this one!  What a nice surprise it was when he handed it to me at the end of class. Merci Axel! Tu es fantastique!

And so it begins! Just 999 more Thank Yous to go! I know we can do it, together!

I wonder how many other schools I can get to join this adventure? 5, 6, 12? More? I just want to change the world, but can’t do it alone. I guess that wouldn’t be any fun, anyways! We All Have a Voice! is all about one person starting something and others joining in because they get inspired!

Engage. Inspire. Build.

That is what we are doing!  I need you to help me. People need us. They really do.

What do you say? Ready to TAKE the Challenge!  Join us!

1,000 Thank Yous Challenge!




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