DREAM Wall #1
Here is what the first DREAM Wall construction looked like:

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6 Simple STEPS to create a DREAM Wall

  1. Watch the Ted talk about the original wall in New Orleans.  Candy Chang’s “Before I die I want to…”
  2. Find a wall that is in a common space at school, inside or out.
  3. Talk to your principal and get permission.
  4. Gather supplies: chalkboard paint, brushes, rollers, drop cloths, rulers, stencils, tape
  5. Paint your DREAM Wall!
  6. Buy colored chalk and set it out for everyone to use.

Questions?  Contact us.

Why build a DREAM Wall?

  • 7,000 students drop out of school in the United States, everyday.
  • Poverty is at an all-time high meaning more students suffer from anxiety, stress, and depression.
  • Our students are struggling emotionally, socially, and academically.
  • The future of our country depends on this generation’s success.

Our solution: Engage new conversations in new space, a DREAM Wall.

  • Environment and Relationships are two keys to connecting with students.
  • Create an interactive environment and you can foster interactive relationships.
  • Give students new opportunities to get to know one another, to inspire one another.


I’ve realized we aren’t so different after all.

– Frankie Viramontes, 18


  • By sharing dreams and hopes, students’ perspective of the world shifts, connects with others.
  • Students connected with their dreams have a new focus and a clearer vision of their future.
  • When students have hope for the future, they tend to work harder and achieve more.

How would you answer these 4 questions?

  1. Is your school community super connected?
  2. Do students have a public place to share their thoughts?
  3. Are you creating frequent opportunities to listen to students?
  4. Could you use more relationship-building campus-wide?

If you answers are “yes”, the DREAM Wall might just make a difference for your cam[pus.

Get more information. Sign up for the DREAM BIG Challenge!

So, what’s the story behind DREAM Wall #1? Learn more…

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